Study 7. Luke 3:1-20

1. Luke gives a vivid sense of John's character through dialogue. what did John tell the people to do? 3:3 - repent 3:8 - to behave in ways that showed repentance and not to take their spiritual security as ethnic Jews for granted. John's appearance and message ( 2 Ki 1:7- 8, Mat 3:4 ) was very similar to that of Elijah's (Mal 4:6) 2. What reasons did John give for the instructions listed in question 1? 3:3 - so that their sins would be forgiven 3:4-6 - to prepare the way for the Messiah, for all to be saved 3:7-9 - their Jewishness is not special in the eyes of God (cf. Jn 8:38-39). Judgment is here and those with lives not in accord with God will be destroyed. 3 a) John did not tell the tax collectors or soldiers to change jobs, but he did tell them to 'produce fruit in keeping with repentance' (3:8). What did he say? (see 3:12-14) These were the most hated people in society: soldiers were representatives of a foreign occupying power. Tax collectors were co...