Study 6. Luke 3:22-52

 11. What do you learn from 2:21-40 about..
Jesus' mission (2:39-35)
He was to bring salvation to all the peoples, both Gentiles and Jews.(Is 9:2, 42:
How people responded to Him (2:28. 38)
They blessed and thanked God for Him. They told of Him to all who were waiting for the salvation of Jerusalem.

12.What does 2:40-52 reveal about...
Jesus' identity (2:49)
He is the son of God

Jesus' character (2:40, 43-47, 49, 51-52)
"strong, filled with wisdom" Inquisitive and having deep understanding about spiritual things, focused on His unique identity as the Son. Submissive to parental authority, Growing in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and the description of the John the Baptist (1:80 "the child grew and became strong in spirit")
13.a) What does Luke say about the content of the good news in 1:5-2:52 (see 1:11-17, 26-35, 50-55, 68-79, 2:11, 14. 30-32, 34-35)
 The good news turns people to God (1:16), to unite families (1:17), and to bring repentance (1:17). It is also the news that a supreme, everlasting ruler will appear (1:32-33) who is the holy Son of God (1:32-33). The proud, strong and rich will be humbled; the hungry and lowly will be lifted up (1:51-53). The gospel is fulfillment of the patriarchal promises (1:54-55). The gospel is delverance from enemies so we can serve God without fear (1:74-75). There will be forgiveness of sins (1:77). It is from God's tender mercies (1:78). Jesus is the Savior, the Messiah, God (2:11, cf. Rom 9:4). God has given Him to us to bring peace (2:14). There is salvation for all peoples (2:31-32). Jesus will both cause some people to rise and some to fall (2:34)

13.b) Summarize the response made to the good news in these chapters (see 1:18, 38, 42-47, 67-68; 2:17, 20, 28, 38)
 There is doubt/disbelief (1:18) submission/faith (1:38), praise and joy (1:41-47), thanksgiving (1:48-49), acknowledgement of God's hand (1:67-68). The shepherds spread it (2:17), it caused people to bless God (2:28) and to give thanks and testimony (2:38)
For further study:
What attitude did Jesus show in this epiosde?
Priority to God, not parents. My sense is that even at that age Jesus was throwing people off-balance with unexpected actions. 
How is Jesus a model for Christian children in 2:40-49-51.
1. A clear sense of identity as the (personal) son of God. The Fatherhood of God is not personal in the OT, where God is the Father of His people, but rarely of individuals (Solomon, 1 Chr 17:13, 22:10). These words (2:49) are Jesus' first recorded sayings.
2. Interest in spiritual things
3. Submission to parents.
What do you learn about the Holy Spirit from the following verses: 1:15, 35, 41, 67: 2:25, 27)
He filled John before birth (1:15)
He enabled Mary to conceive (1:35)
He showed Elizabeth who Jesus was (1:41)
He inspired Zechariah to sing trtuhs about God and John (1:67)
He was with Simeon in his waiting for the Messiah (2:25), leading him to meet with Jesus (2:27)
 How do chapters 1 and 2 of Luke show that everything in history happens according to God' plan (e.g. 2:1-3)
Jesus' coming fulfils the promises of a Messiah in the OT, through which all nations will be blessed.
He uses earthly rulers and their methods to fulfil His prophetic will.
We had another collectrion of clothes and laptops for Myanmar!


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