Study 7. Luke 3:1-20

 1. Luke gives a vivid sense of John's character through dialogue. what did John tell the people to do?

3:3 - repent
3:8 - to behave in ways that showed repentance and not to take their spiritual security as ethnic Jews for granted.

John's appearance and message (2 Ki 1:7-8, Mat 3:4) was very similar to that of Elijah's (Mal 4:6)

2. What reasons did John give for the instructions listed in question 1?

3:3 - so that their sins would be forgiven
3:4-6  - to prepare the way for the Messiah, for all to be saved
3:7-9 - their Jewishness is not special in the eyes of God (cf. Jn 8:38-39). Judgment is here and those with lives not in accord with God will be destroyed.


3 a) John did not tell the tax collectors or soldiers to change jobs, but he did tell them to 'produce fruit in keeping with repentance' (3:8). What did he say? (see 3:12-14)

These were the most hated people in society: soldiers were representatives of a foreign occupying power. Tax collectors were collaborators.
 "Do your job well without getting getting a personal advantage from your position".  
“Don’t threaten people with your power”
"Be content with your rightful salary"


3 b) Does 3:12-14 offer us a general principle in business conduct, for behaviour in the workplace? If so, what is it?
Don't receive gratuities to do your normal job. Do honest work.
Don’t use your powers wrongly.
Don't try to get more money than the agreed on salary
Be content

4. John told tax collectors and soldiers to act with justice at work. Howevcer, what standard did John tell the crowd to apply in their private lives as fruit of repentance? (3:11)

Share whateer you have - even if it is basics like clothes and food. This is something almost all can do. We are to notice those who are in need. One of two tunica is a significant sacrifice  

5. Write down one way in which the standard of 3:11 applies to your life and one way in which the business ethic of 3:12-14 applies.

Private standard - be generous with giving and sharing of what we own. 
Business ethic - don't work in a way that aims to get rich (to maximise profit)

6. Summarize what John prophesied about the 'one' who was coming (see 3:16-17)

He is mightier than John
He is worthier than John
He will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire
He will separate the wheat from the chaff (cf. Ps 1)

7. In what way was John's message 'good news' (3:18)

The Messiah is coming in judgment. The poor and lowly are encouraged. 
Even the worst in society find the opportunity for salvation.

For further study

Explain what repentance (3:3) means.

From James 4
  • External change (“Cleanse your hands, you sinners” v.8b)
  • Internal change (“purify your hearts, you double-minded” v.8c)
  • Engagement of the emotions (“Be wretched and mourn and weep” v.9)
  • Directed towards God (“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.” v.6b, 10)


How might a Christian have a similar wrong attitude to that comdemned in 3:8?

"We are saved and we do not need to be holy"

How would the actions John urged help a person to 'prepare the way for the Lord'?

Repentance opens the way for trust in a Saviour

What did John say about the Holy Spirit? (see 3:16-17)

He brings power and purity (the picture of fire in the passage is predominantly that of judgment)


We celebrated my birthday early!


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