Study 18. Luke 8:1-18
A note on the women following Jesus: It was uncommon for a rabbi to allow women to accompany him. Luke is the gospel that most highlights Jesus' interaction with women. Mary Magdalene has been (wrongly) identified as the 'sinner' of the previous passage. The women came from different backgrounds. Many other women (the Greek of 'many others' and 'their' is feminine) supported Jesus' ministry. 1. What main point is Jesus trying to commuicate in this parable to the crowds who flocked around Him(see 8:5-8, 11-15)? The Parable of the Sower (Mt 13:3-9, Mk 4:3-9) is given on the background of large/great crowds. because there are those to whom 'is given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God' (v.10), whereas those outside the kingdom are taught in parables in order that they may not 'see... and.. understand' (cf Is 6:9-10). 'Secrets' (Gk mysteria ) are truths which we could never discover for ourselves, but which God has revealed....