Study 16. Luke 7:18-35

 Why did John the Baptist doubt?

  • The cleansing 'fire' He brought was yet to come in fullness.
  •  He was in prison.
In essence, his expectations were not met.

14. How did Jesus confirm His identity to John (see Luke 7:21-22)?

 He healed in front of John's disciples ("In that hour", v 21) and pointed to His ministry of healing and preaching as fuilfillment of OT prophecy about the Messiah (Isa 29:18. 24:5-6, 6:1-2).

15.Compare Isaiah 61:2 to Luke 4:19. What part of Isaiah 61:2 was Jesus fulfilling, and what part was He leaving for His future return?

  • Fulfilling in current ministry : to bring good news to the poor, to bind the brokenhearted, free the captives and open spiritually and physically blinded eyes. To proclaim the time of God's favour (cf. 2:14)
  • Leaving for future return: the day of God's vengeance/judgment, when all who mourn will be comforted (cf. 6:21b)

16. Why did the people reject John when he "sang a dirge "(7:32, when he lived strictly and preached warning?

 He called them to holiness, repentance, sacrifice and discipline. There was too much change demanded of them from the comfort of their lives.

17. Why did they reject Jesus when He "played the pipe (7:32), when he lived exuberantly and preached joy?'

They wanted the comfort of a religion with rules to follow, allowing external compliance but leaving the heart untouched. Jesus' freedom threatened the security of their fixed religious ways.


Who are the children playing the pipe and singing a dirge? They are not Jesus - they are 'the people of this generation'. These complained when they want mirth and lighthearedness, but John was too serious and ascetic. They also complained when they wanted solemnity and seriousness, but Jesus had an easygoing approach to the Law.

The difference between 'Jesus playing' and 'this generation playing' is that in the former the generation fails to respond appropriately to the ways of God. In the latter, it is God who does not respond in ways people expect. Hence, they 'take offence' at God. This circles round to the lesson Jesus asked John to learn - not to be offended by Him.

"Yet wisdom is justified by all her children" means that wise (Godly) teaching and wise teachers are affirmed and shown to be right (cf. 7:29) by those who follow it.


How are people today like those who complained about both John and Jesus?

They have preferences that cannot be fulfilled- always dissatisfied with what is on offer.

What does Jesus' response in 7:24-35 tell us about His attitude to John?

He had a high opinion of John.  He said that John declined life's luxuries to focus on the ways of God. There is barely any rebuke for the Baptist despite his doubt, but even John did not have the blessing and position given to those under the new covenant. John's greatness was in his unique role as the forerunner for the Messiah. The people and 'tax collectors' (3:12) who had heard John rightly read Jesus' words as commendation, not criticism.


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