Study 17. Luke 7:36-50

 The woman's actions were immoderate - even scandalous. She was a known 'sinner'. entered a private dinner. She unbound her hair. She kissed a man's feet. This incident is similar to, but not the same as that where Mary anointed Jesus' head (Mt 26:6-13, Jn 12:1-8) shortly before His crucifixion. She was bold, desperate, extravagant, embarrassing to the host.

How awkward it might have been for Jesus to receive the attentions of this woman! He acted as a therapist. He thought of the woman,  not of Himself. 

20. a. In the parable (see 7:41-42) what caused the man who was forgiven the five hundred denarii to love more than his fellow debtor?
To be relieved of what is seen as a greater debt should lead to greater gratitude towards once's benefactor

b. At the dinner (see 7:36-38, 44-48), what caused the prostitute to show great love?
 She had felt forgiven of her many sins. Her actions were evidence of her great gratitude.
c. Simon showed he loved Jesus little by the way he treated Jesus (see 7:39, 44-46). Accordiing to 7:41-42, why did Simon love little?
He failed to treat Jesus as an honoured guest despite his invitation to dinner. He felt no obligation of gratitude to Jesus because he had not received any benefit/forgiveness from Him.

21. On what basis is the womon "forgiven" and "saved"?
 Is it the woman's love that saves her? (v.47 "Therefore I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much")
We again look at the use of 'for' (Gk. hoti) as possibly to indicate a reason ("I am hungry, for I did not eat breakfast") or of evidence ("I am hungry, for my stomach is rumbling")
So the 'for' here shows that love is evidence of forgiveness, not the cause of it.
Jesus is clear that it is the woman's faith that has saved her. (v.50)
So the sequence is: faith to salvation to love. Her love showed that she understood what God’s forgiveness meant for her.
Why then did Jesus proclaim (v.48, cf. 5:20) that her sins were forgiven when her sins were already forgiven and she was able to show extravagant love? I think that Jesus needs to complete her sense of forgiveness with absolute assurance . Her actions do not yet come from certainty, but Jesus receives them as coming from a heart of faith and repentance.  So His words complete the woman’s forgiveness. 


22. a. Who is "the poor" in 7:36-50, and how does that person display poverty?
 The woman is the 'poor' one. She has no social status. She has no religious standing. She was not entirely without worldly wealth (since she had the ointment). She had no reason to be secure before God.

b.. Who is "the rich" in this incident, and how does that person show it?
 Simon is rich - wealthy materially, secure in his religion. He does not need Jesus, therefore he does not honour Him.

c. What "good news of the Kingdom" does the poor person receive from Jesus?
Forgiveness of sin, salvation, peace.

How might you be like Simon? And how might you be like the prostitute?
How grateful are we? Have we likewise failed to grasp how much of our debt was paid? Our relationship with the Lord can be formal and polite, but the prostitute was passionate. She did not care what other people thought - she was single-minded in her devotion. She showed utmost penitence and humility. She sacrificed what was precious to her - her dignity, her emotions, and her wealth. She must have felt she owed Jesus everything.


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