Study 19. Luke 8:22-39

 4. a. What do the disciples learn about Jesus in 8:22-25?
In Mark the disciples rebuke the Lord "Do you not care if we perish?" Mk 4:38) and in Matthew they call out to Jesus to save them (Mt 8:25). Jesus rebuked the wind as God rebuked the Red Sea (Ps 106:9) and ruled over the waters (Ps 89:9)

The point Luke wants his readers to note is "Who then is this?" (v.25). Mastery over the forces of nature is authority of a higher order than authority over illness.

In the presence of Jesus' power the disciples are again 'afraid' (Gk. phobeo) cf. Mt 8:25

b. What do they learn about themselves?
 "Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?" are also Jesus' questions to us.
The disciples had shown fear (Gk deilos) rather than faith. They knew Jesus could help but did not see that His mere presence with them already assured their safety although he was asleep in the boat.
They learned that they did not know Jesus well enough. 

What did the disciples expect when they woke Jesus up? Certainly not that He would do what He did! Perhaps only to help with clearing the water from the boat - an extra hand. Jesus transcended their expectations.

How should we respond in a similar situation? Jesus' rebuke to the disciples follows His rebuke of the wind and waves. It was right to call out to Jesus, but their calling was without faith - trust - in His caring and complete mastery. We must call in faith. "With Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm". We are utterly secure - the storms of life cannot overwhelm us even if it seems God is inactive and absent.


 5. How did these three groups of people respond to Jesus when they saw His power in Gerasa and on the sea?

  • The disciples (8:25) : afraid and astonished
  • The Gerasenes (8:34-37): afraid (phobeo)...with great fear (phobos)
  • The freed demoniac (8:38-39): begged that he might be with much Jesus had done for him.
Why do you think Jesus' power terrifies some people? Try to think about what happend to the Gerasenes from their point of view (see 8:32-37)
 Lifelihood affected. Frightening supernatural events. One with such power might do even more disruption. Those who want control of their own lives reject him. 
How should we respond when Jesus exhibits his power in our lives (see Prov 9:10, Lk 5:8-11; 8:38-39)
We should orientate our lives around the awesome reality of God, and so learn to be wise. 
We should see our own sinfulness and respond to His authority.
We should testify of what He has done. This does not take theological sophistication.


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