Study 22. Luke 9:18-36

14. How does the disciples' understanding of Jesus exceed that of the crowds (see 9:18-20)?
 Peter speaks on their behalf in identifying Christ as the Messiah. Luke has previously noted that that was proclaimed by the angels (2:11) and Simeon (2:26). The demons (4:41) also knew this, calling him the Son of God

Jesus immediately tells them not to reveal this (v.21) so that there are no wrong expectations

15. What new aspect of Christhood does Jesus want His disciples to understand? (see 9:22)
Jesus immediately teaches that being Messiah means death for him.

16. Recall 6:40. What does Jesus' mission (see 9:22) imply for His disciples (see 9:23-24)?
Jesus immediately followed his announcement of his death with teaching on the cross his followers ('vif anyone') must bear. The man or woman who plans and intends to save their life will lose it; the one who actually lose their life for His sake will save it. One form of 'saving' is to preserve for oneself.  It points to the attitude of one who puts his emphasis on getting the best out of life for himself. The other 'saving' is to actually have one's life preserved for and by God. 
v.27 likely refers to the Transfiguration. The alternatives (e.g. Jesus' return, the Resurrection, Pentecost/the birth of the Church) are less tenable.
 17. Name one way in which a modern Christian may be tempted to 'save their life' (9:24)?
 We try to save ourselves by gaining everything the world has to offer. But in truth we will lose/forfeil ourselves. In being ashamed of Christ so as to preserve what we can get or own in this world, we will lose true credit with God.

Gal 2:20 and Rom 6:6 apply crucifixion to the Christian - we have died with the Lord and have also been raised with him (Rom 6:4)
18. Explain the meaning of the Father's witness to Jesus (see 9:35). What was the Father trying to tell the disciples?
  Herod has asked, ‘Who is this?’ (9). Some answers are suggested by the feeding of the multitude (cf. John 6:14f.), three more are given by the people (19), and Peter adds one of his own (20). The climax comes with an awe-inspiring answer from God (35). (Morris)

The Father's command indicates that Jesus' words have ultimate authority, above all earthly powers and other interpretations of Scripture.

The Transfiguration is for the 3 disciples, perhaps as an encouragement after the hard words of v.23-26. 
Only Luke tells us that the subject of the conversation was Jesus’ departure, i.e. his death (cf. 2 Pet. 1:15). That such a topic was chosen at such a time shows how central the death of Jesus is. The use of the word 'exodos' for death is unusual and we should probably discern some exodus typology. The exodus had delivered Israel from bondage. Jesus by his ‘exodus’ would deliver his people from a far worse bondage. (Morris)

v.36b Peter would later speak of his experience:
16 For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For when he received honor and glory from God the Father, and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son,[i] with whom I am well pleased,” 18 we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.  (2 Pet 1:16-18)

What impression has Jesus given so far about what it means to be the Christ? Consider these verses:

  • 5:20    He forgives sin
  • 5:24   He forgives sin
  • 5:32   He calls sinners to repentance
  • 6:5   He is Lord of the Sabbath
  • 6:20-22   He is worthy of suffering, He is qualified to be the determinant of blessing and curse
  • 6:46  He is Lord, worthy of obedience
  • 7:14  He raises the dead
  • 7:22   He heals, raises the dead and preaches the good news (fulfilling Isaiah)
  • 7:48   He forgives sin
  • 8:24   He controls nature
  • 8:28-32  He has authority over demons
  • 8:44   He performs miracles of healing
  • 8:53-56   He raises the dead
  • 9:16-17  He multiples physical objects

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