Study 57. Luke 24:13-24

 The verb 'drew' near might refer to an approach from any direction, but as the two speak of Jesus as being from Jerusalem (18), the meaning must be that he overtook them as they journeyed. On a number of occasions the risen Jesus was not recognized at first (Matt. 28:17; John 20:14; 21:4); so now. 
 5. Observe why the two disciples are sad and confused.
a. How do they describe their former Master, whom they used to call the Christ (24:19)
  •  A prophet. True, but inadequate
  • mighty in word and deed before God and all the people.

b. What disappointing and confusing things have happened (24:20-24)
Their chief priests and rulers delievered him up to be condemed to death and crucified him. The chief blame is placed on the Jewish leaders.
They had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel
Some women they knew amazed them because they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive. Some of the (men) found the tomb just as the women had said, but they did not see him. There was doubt and uncertainty.
6. Why does Jesus call His disciples "foolish" and "slow to believe" (24:25)? Compare 24:19-24 with 24:26
 Because  OT scripture had said it was necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory. This was the root of their doubt. They had no faith and understanding of God's word.
The OT speaks of the terrible nature of sin, the love of God, the plan of God to save foreshadowed in the Exodus, the Law/Temple sacrifices.
7. How does Jesus relieve the disciples' sorrow and confusion (24:27, 30-32)?
  • He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. Their hearts burned within them
  • He acted as if he were going farther, but agreed to stay with them when they "strongly urged" him to.  "Without the invitation he would not have stayed. But the two had been more than impressed with his exposition of the Bible and accordingly they constrained him to stay with them. This probably means in the home of one of them"(Morris)
  • He took bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them.
8. Think about how we are in the same position as these two disciples. What lessons for our lives can we learn from their encounter with Jesus on the road?
We will face disappointments and confusion in our lives.
Jesus can come to us when we are unaware of Him in those times. He is hidden from us.
He will speak to us through His Word
He can ask us if we want His continued presence.
The full revelation of His presence can take time. 
His presence with us is not continuous
Jesus does not only come to the famous and important
9. What happened in Jerusalem while the two disciples were gone (24:34)? 
The eleven and those who were with them were gathered together.
"They had not been prepared to take the word of the women, but Simon was different. If he said he had seen Jesus, then The Lord has risen indeed." (Morris)

Their immediate reaction was to tell the other believers. They seem not to have completed their meal, for they left that same hour (which means ‘straight away’ rather than ‘within an hour’). The arguments they had used with Jesus about the lateness of the hour apparently did not weigh with them at all now. (Morris)


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