Study 59. Summary (i)

1.  What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ?
1:32-33 'great, Son of the Most High, throne of his father David, reign over the house of Jacob forever, his kingdom there will be no end'
1:78-79 'sunrise, give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, guide feet into the way of peace'
2:11, 32 'a savior who is Christ the Lord'. 'a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your poeple Israel'
3:22, 38 'beloved Son, with you I am well-pleased'. A descendent of Adam
4:18-21 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, fulfilling Scripture.
9:20-22 He must suffer many things, be rejected...killed...raised. Takes up a cross
20:41-44 David's Lord, who sits at the right hand of God and who has his enemies as his footstool
21:25-28 'coming in a cloud with power and great glory', bringing 'redemption.
22:19, 22 giving his body for us. dying according to God's predetermined plan
23:3, 33 'King of the Jews' crucified with criminals
24:26 necessary suffering then 'enter into his glory'

He is the promised one who will fulfil God's salvation  plan for the Jews and Gentiles. He is the son of God, a human being. He must die to accomplish God's plan. He will come again in glory.
2. What does Luke's gospel tell us about salvation?
What does it mean to be saved? 
To get eternal ife, to be healed, to see, to be freed to be well, at peace, to have God's favour
How are people saved in this gospel?
By repentance and forgiveness
What does God or Jesus do? 
 Only God saves. He makes promises. Seek and save the lost. He forgives sins and gives eternal life

What does the person do?
 Repent, humbly beg for mercy, give up everything else, come to Jesus
1:47-55 'for those who fear Him from generation to generation', not the proud or mighty or rich, but the humble and hungry, to Israel according to his promise to the patriachs.
1:68-79 God visits and redeems, raises up a horn of salvation, promised through the prophets, saved from enemies and all who hate us. to 'serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness all our days. Forgiveness of sins because of the tender mercy of God, to give light and peace.
2:29-32 for all peoples, Gentiles and Jews
4:18-19 it is good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, liberty to the oppressed, and experiencing the Lord's favour
4:40-41 it is delivery from sickness and the power of demons
5:14, 20 cleansing from leprosy. forgiveness of sin
5:31-32 calling sinners to repentance
7:47-50 forgiveness of sins leads to love
8:48 faith leads to wellness and peace
10:25-28 to inherit eternal life
15:1-32 to be lost then found, to celebrate
17:17-19 cleansing and gratitude
18:13-14 mercy to sinners, humility, not self-exaltation
18:18-30 giving up everything to get treasure in heaven, following Jesus. It is impossible to be saved with man, but possible with God. It is leaving everything for the sake of the kingdom of God and receiving many times more in this time, and in the age to come, eternal life.
19:1-10 It is being sought and saved by the Son of Man.
23:42-43 it is entering paradise to be with Jesus.

3. According to Luke, for whom is the gospel (good news) intended?
1:54 Israel
2:32 the Gentiles... Israel
4:18 the poor, captives, blind, oppressed
6:20-22 poor, hungry, weeping, hated, excluded, reviled, spurned name.
7:37 a sinner
8:43 the sick without hope of cure
15:1-2 sinners
18:16 children
19:2 the despised tax collector, rich
23:40-44 the criminal on the cross

4. What is the kingdom of God?
 It began to come with Jesus' first coming, it will come fully at his second coming
It is joy, freedom, fulfillment
It grows silently and gradually
It is not something everyone will experience.
1:32-33 the throne of David, the reign over the house of Jacob, forever.
2:14 Glory to God and peace to those He is pleased with
4:18-19 liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, liberty to the oppressed, the favour of the Lord
6:20-22 where the poor, hungry, weeping, hated, revilwed and spurn receive their rewards
7:22 has come with blind, kame, lepers, deaf, dead and poor ministered to
10:9 has come with healing of the sick
11:20 has come with Jesus casting out demons
12:31-34 something worth seeking after instead of what the world seeks after
13:18-21 like a grain of mustard seed growing, like leaven in flour it starts small,
13:24-30 the patriachs are there at the feast, but where not all will enter
14:12-24 a dinner banquet where not all will come
15:22-24 welcome home for the lost, celebration
17:20-25 not observed, but is in the midst of us, made clear at Jesus' second coming
22:16 where the Passover is fulfilled
22:29-30 a place to eat/drink (enjoy, have fellowship) rule, judge

5. How would you describe Jesus' character as Luke portrays Him?
in control, good teacher with stories, wise
Compassionate/merciful, uncompromising


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