Study 2. Acts 1:1-11

 1. For each of the following sections, write a title that expresses what the section is about. 
1:1-11  Introduction and ascension. (“Hello again Theophilus”, says Joe!) “command”
1:12-26    Replacing Judas. “Obey”
2. If Acts tells how the church began to fulfill its mission through the Holy Spirit, how does 1:1-26 relate to this theme?
 Acts is about Jesus' continued work through the Holy Spirit by the apostles. 
He has returned to heaven in glory to receive all authority, but will not return untill the mission of the church to the world is complete.
The church is the new Israel, with the 12 apostles representing the 12 tribes of the new people of God. The apostles are to carry on the ministry of Jesus through the power of the Spirit. The Spirit helps identify the apostles.

3. From Acts 1:2-5, what was apparently the purpose of the forty days Jesus spent with His disciples after the Resurrection?
He gave commands through the Holy Spirit, I.e. the spirit was teaching them and giving them understanding.
He spent time confirming that He was alive, continuing to teach them about the kingdom of God and to give them instructions
He reminded them about the need to wait for the Holy Spirit's coming before going to the world. God had promised the Spirit.

4. Consider what Jesus said to the apostles when they asked whether His reign in power was about to begin (see 1:6-8). Why wasn’t it important for the apostles to know precisely when Jesus would finish bringing God’s reign to earth?
Some things are only for God to know. We have to be faithful to do the task given to us: the evangelisation of the nations.
We are not to look for an immediate gratification or be tempted to slack off. and work only immediately before His return There is merit in being always watchful (Mt 25:13 'Watch therefore')

5. Why was it necessary for Jesus to stop giving direct instructions to His disciples and ascend to be with His Father (see Acts 1:9)? Also see John 16:5-15.
The disciples had to come to terms with the new reality that Jesus would leave in one sense yet still be always present in another sense (Mt 28:20 'I am with you always') i.e. through the Spirit
 It is 'to our advantage'(Jn 16:7)  that Jesus is no longer physically with us. The Spirit indwelling every believer takes His place in a way that would be impossible with Him in a physical body limited by space.

6. a. What conviction was going to sustain the apostles as they fulfilled their mission while Jesus was physically absent (see 1:11)? 
 Jesus will return. Likely physically at the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4)
b. Why would this have been encouraging?
This will vindicate our personal faith and purpose
This will mean our reward. We will be where He is. 
His coming in glory will establish His kingdom in fullness

Does 1:8 apply to you? If not, why not? If so, what are some attitudes, priorities, or specific actions that this verse suggests for your life?
I need the power of the Spirit
I need to witness locally
I need to be involved in missions globally

How was it going to be possible for the apostles to fulfill their mission (see 1:8)? Why is this important for us to remember? 
 Missions and evangelisation is not by our own strength. To act on our own is futile. We need to have the Spirit's power with us, so we should seek His power.

 Does 1:11 encourage you? If so, what does it encourage you to think and do?
Be watchful and faithful. We must not lose hope that God will make faith become sight.
The Ascension
The ascension marks the departure of Jesus from interaction with his disciples in this world and his entrance into the realm of God. In this, he is exalted to supreme authority over the whole creation in his mediatorial capacity as the incarnate Son of God. (R Letham, TGC)
Luke 24:50-53 mentions Jesus' last act as benediction
His parting is final, unlike the resurrection appearances and disappearances. This is confirmed by the angels.
He is taken bodily up to heaven. Clouds generally symbolise glory (Luke 9:24-36; Rev. 1:7, cf. Acts 1:10-11; Exod. 13:21, 24:18; Isa. 19:1)
We too are ascended in Christ; our life is hid with Christ in God (Col. 3:1-4). We are seated with him in heavenly places (Eph. 2:6-8)
By his ascension Christ establishes the church, granting gifts to it for its preservation and advancement (Eph. 4:11f)


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