Study 60. Summary (II)

 6.What have you learned about what a disciple is and does
5:10 catches men
6:22 hated, excluded, reviled, spurned for Jesus's sake,
6:27-49 loves enemies, does good to those who hate them, blesses those who curse them, prays for those who abuse us. Offers cheek when insulted and accepts unjust demands, does to others what we wish they do to us. Does good and lends expecting nothing in return. Merciful
8:15, 21, 24-25 Holds the word fast in a honest and good heart. Bears fruit with patience. Has faith in Jesus in difficult times
9:1-5, 13, 23-26. Has authority over demons and diseases. Trusts God's provision. Rejects those who reject us.
Denies self, takes up cross daily, follows Jesus. Doesn't lose/forfeit self. Not ashamed of Jesus.
9:48, 57-62 The greatest disciple is the least. Follows Jesus as a matter of priority
10:1-12, 16-24, 39 Labourers for the harvest, lambs in the midst of wolves. proclaiming the kingdom. pronounceing judgment.
11:1-13 Prays to God as a good Father, with forcefulness and expectation
12:11-12 not anxious when on trial, because the Spirit will teach us
12:22-48 not anxious about daily needs, valued by God. Receiving the kingdom, with treasures in heaven, where our hearts are. Ready for action ready for the master's return. We will be rewarded with posessions. God requires of us according to what He gave to us.
14:7-35 Not seeking eartly priority and honour, humbling self. Hating own family, prepared for the cost, salt
16:8-13 Shrewd, faithful in a ittle, faithful as a steward, serving one master (God), not money
17:1-10. Pays attention to ourselves. Rebukes a brother who sins, then forgives when he repents. Has faith. Does a servant's duty
18:1-8, 28-30 Prays without losing heart/faith. Leaves worldly relationships and posessions to receive more in this life, and eternal life to come.
19:12-26 Is faithful in a very little. Bears more fruit, leading to more rewards.
21:12-19 will be persecuted, bears witness, with words and wisdom. Be put to death and hated, but will be saved.
22:19, 25-30 Remembers the Lord's sacrifice. The greatest must serve. Stays with Jesus through trial in order to experience authority and reward/celebration/fellowship
24:45-49, 52-53 Is a witness the testimony of OT to Christ, his resurrection. Be clothed with power, worship and stay close to God in fellowship with others.
So, a disciple follows Jesus: suffers, is godly, faithful, fruitful, trusting,  testifies to the truth to people, judges unbelievers,
7. Briefly explain the most important points of the gospel as you understand it from Luke. If you use terms like Christ, Son of God, or saved, be sure you know what they mean.
4:18-32. Good news, liberty, sight to those who are poor, captives, blind, oppressed. Not for special chosen people but to all who see their need for God
24:19-26, 46-48, Jesus was more than a prophet or teacher. He was foretold by the OT as a suffering Messiah. He rose from the dead. The message of repentance and forgiveness must be proclaimed by witnesses to the world.

The gospel is for all the needy. It means following Jesus 

Share on any aspect of your thoughts, attitudes, opinions or behaviour that has changed as you study Luke's gospel, or if you have some personal application to share or follow-up on,.


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