Study 9. Acts 4:1-31
1. What happens in 4:1-31, and how is the passage connected to 3:1-26? The apostles are called to account for the authority by which they healed the lame man and proclaimed their message - they we put on trial. 3. The Sanhedrin did not doubt that a healing had occurred; they only demanded to know by what authority (power or name, see Acts 4:7) the apostles were preaching and healing. Peter responded that his authority came from Jesus. Specifically what did Peter claim about Jesus (see 4:8-12)? Jesus was the 'Christ', crucified and raised from the dead The stone rejected that has become the cornerstone (Ps 118:22) Salvation is only through Him For Thought and Discussion: a. Why were the priests and other Sadducees so upset that the apostles were proclaiming Jesus resurrected (see 4:2; 23:8)? The Sadducees did not believe in the Resurrection. That the apostles proclaimed Jesus' resurrection went against their understanding of theology and rebuked them for their ...