Study 6. Acts 2:1-41

For Thought and Discussion: Why does Peter mention God’s plan and foreknowledge in 2:23? Why is it important for us to remember?
Peter assures his heaers that Jesus' crucifixion was not evidence of His criminal acts, but rather, an event foretold and planned for by God. This establishes His righteousness rather than His culpability. It tells us that compatibilism alone allows us to deal with evil and suffering in the world and in our lives. God is still in control. 
For Thought and Discussion: Peter tried to convince Jews about Jesus by showing how scriptures they already accepted supported his claims. Would this approach work with your friends? Why or why not? If not, what beliefs that you already hold in common could you use to draw them toward examining the Scriptures? 
 As in Acts 17 with Paul in Athens, Peter establishes common ground with his hearers. But where there is no common ground, different approaches e.g. meaning of life, life after death, morality, removal of guilt, personal testimony, may be required.
For Thought and Discussion: To what extent were the events of Pentecost a precedent that describes what we should do, believe, and experience when we become Christians? How can we decide this? How typical is Pentecost of other conversions in Acts?
Our theology is inevitably coloured by our experience. Care needs to be taken to let Scripture speak for itself and to guide our experience. As I said previously, narrative passages in Scripture cannot be used freely to indicate normative experiences.
The 'baptism' (= initial filling) of the Spirit occcurs at Pentecost as evidenced by speaking in tongues, as with Cornelius' house. But there is no mention of tongues in many other conversion experiences. As such, Cornelius' house (the 'Gentile Pentecost') and the disciples of John in Ephesus represent indications that tongues *may* but not *must* happen with conversion and filling.

9. The sermons in Acts suggest outlines we can follow in explaining the good news to others. Summarize what Peter asks the Jews to believe and do, and why they should do these things. truths to believe (see 2:21-24,31-33,36,39) actions to do (see 2:21,38) reasons why (see 2:20-21,38,40) 
 The gist of Peter's message:
1. Know that Jeuss is Lord and Christ,  whose death was foretold by God and who rose again, exalted at God's right hand. Know that salvation comrs through Him.
1. Repent for rejecting Him
2. Be baptized for forgiveness of sins, 'in the name of Christ Jesus'.
3. Receive the Spirit in accordance with the promise of Joel 2
4. Be saved from this 'crooked generation' i.e. reject the values of a fallen world that God is going to judge (2:20-21)

There is both a free offer of salvation ('for you and for all who are far off')
 as well as overarching Divine sovereignty ('everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself')
10. What one insight from 2:1-41 would you most like to take to heart? 
'Go on being filled'
11. How does this insight apply to you? (For instance, is there some promise or command addressed to all believers that you can act on more fully than you are? Does some truth about Jesus have implications for your attitudes and actions? How do you fall short with regard to your insight?) 
Optional Application: Thank God for what He did at Pentecost. Ask Him to give you as vivid a conviction of the Spirit’s presence in your life as He gave the early believers. Ask Him to show you how to act on the power the Spirit gives you. 

13. What does 2:1-41 contribute to the overall message of Acts? (See 1:8 and your answer to question 7 in lesson 1.) 
This is the birth of the Church
This is the first indication of what happens when the Spirit comes in power for missions 
This is the first sermon, with a defense of the faith against scoffing and in explaining the Crucifixion.
14. In the “Themes in Acts” section on pages 32–34, jot down what 2:1-41 reveals about the church’s mission and message, the role of the Holy Spirit, and so forth. 
  • What is the church's mission?  Be witnesses to the nations
  • What is the church's message? Jesus is Lord and Christ, Repent, be baptised,
  • What is the Holy Spirit's role in the church and the world? He empowers for evangelism and mission
  • How do believers respond to opposition and persecution in Acts? With robust intellectual defense
  • What is the relationship between Judaism and Christianity in Acts? Jesus fulfils OT prophecy


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