Study 7. Acts 3:1-26

1. How does Acts 3:1-10 reflect Jesus’ words in John 14:12-14? 
 "do the works that I do" "greater works than these will he do" "If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it"
Jesus' disciples asked in His name
A miracle was done like Jesus would have done

For Thought and Discussion: How does the former cripple respond to his healing (see 3:8)? Is there an example here for us? Compare Luke 17:11-19. 
Like the healed Samaritan leper, he demonstrated his healing and praised God. He entered (3:8) the temple with Peter and John, associating publicly with them. He 'clung' to them (3:10) showing dependence. So he testified to those who had affected the healing.
We must be humble enough to give credit to those who have ministered to us.

Optional Application: Have you experienced any kind of healing by Jesus’ power? If so, how should that affect what you do? 
2. The beggar asked for money (see 3:3), but Peter and John met quite a different need. 
Stählin, p. 59, rightly comments that the narrative shows how the beggar’s usual feelings of uncertainty, expressed in a combination of pressing entreaty and of indifference resulting from frequent disappointment, are replaced by a genuine expectation of receiving something. What could have been simply the occasion of mechanical charity is turned into a personal encounter as the lame man and the apostles look intently at one another. (Marshall)
a. What was the relationship between physical healing and spiritual salvation in Jesus’ work and teaching? (Optional: See Luke 4:18-19; 5:17-26; 7:20-23; 9:1-2.) 
4:18-19 liberty to captives is for both spiritual and physical bondage
5:17-26 the paralysed man needed forgiveness
7:20-23 blind, lame, lepers, deaf and dead are ministered too, and poor have good news preached
9:1-2. His disciples have authority to cast out demons, cure disease, proclaim the kingdom and heal

Jesus' ministry is holistic overall. 
His disciples are likewise to have the same ministry
Physical healing often opens the door to spiritual healing
Physical healing can confirm spiritual healing

b. What purposes did the physical healing serve in Acts 3 (see Acts 3:8-13,16; 4:4-14)? 
 3:8-13,16 Glory to God, opportunity to witness, testimony to people
4:4-14 Vindication of Jesus
  • Peter again begins by dealing with a possible misunderstanding of the situation.
  • Jesus is the servant (cf, 3:26, 4:27, 30) of the God of the Jews. The Holy and Righteous one
  • The people had delivered him over to Pilate, who found him innocent, but they had perverted justice
  • The disciples were witnesses of this wickedness and the Resurrection 
  • Faith in the name of this Jesus had healed the beggar
  • The people had acted in ignorance
  • Repent, so that sins will be blotted out, times of refreshing will come (is this eschatological or personal?). Also Christ is in heaven and He will return for you (not 'against you') to restore all things.
  • Jesus is the prophesied prophet of the OT. He will bring blessing.
c. Why do you think Peter and John healed the beggar physically instead of just either giving him money or offering him spiritual salvation?  
They had no money
(They saw faith, cf. Lk 5:20)
(They were led by the Spirit to pray for healing) 
3. Does 3:1-10 set any example for our priorities or mission today? If so, how? If not, why not?
Pray for physical healing
Work for physical healing
Preach the gospel
Work for social justice

4. According to Peter, how was this healing possible (see 3:16)? 
Faith in Jesus' name

The question would be: "How much faith is necessary before healing occurs"?
cf. Lk 17:5 (Study 37 of Luke).
It is not the amount of faith, but the object of faith that is critical.
It is God who pleases to heal. Faith per se does not cause healing
5. Why is it important for us that the apostles did not need their own power or exceptional godliness to heal the beggar (see 3:12)? 
 (We don't have their qualifications). But we have access to the same power through the Spirit
For Thought and Discussion: What would be the advantages and disadvantages of attracting people to Jesus by means of miracles? 
Miracles break long-held worldviews
Miracles are testimony to many
Miracles show God's power and character in fuller ways than we would imagine

Miracles are not routine
Miracles are temporary
Miracles do not save without true faith - even unbelievers can be healed and helped
Mirxkea can be counterfeited 
For Thought and Discussion: Even if we don’t perform miraculous healings, how is 3:1-10 relevant to us?


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