Study 17. Acts 8:1-3
11. How did the persecution of the Hellenistic Jewish Christians in Jerusalem serve the progress of the church? 1:8; 8:1,4 The gospel was spread through suffering. "you will be my witnesses" (1:8) is being fulfilled, but perhaps not as the church had intended or expectred. The persecution appears to have involved mainly the Hellenist Christians. The action of the "devout men" with public lamentation was an act of great bravery in the light of the "great persecution" and the actions of Saul "ravaging the church". 12. What lessons for us does 6:8–8:3 offer? What sins of the Jews are we to avoid? They had a wrong attitude to the Law. They received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it. They had the privilege of revelation and therefore would have greater condemnation. They enjoyed the privilege, but did not allow the Law to transform their lives. Amos 3:2 : "You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I w...