
Showing posts from January, 2025

Study 17. Acts 8:1-3

 11. How did the persecution of the Hellenistic Jewish Christians in Jerusalem serve the progress of the church? 1:8; 8:1,4 The gospel was spread through suffering. "you will be my witnesses" (1:8) is being fulfilled, but perhaps not as the church had intended or expectred.   The persecution appears to have involved mainly the Hellenist Christians. The action of the "devout men" with public lamentation was an act of great bravery in the light of the "great persecution" and the actions of Saul "ravaging the church". 12. What lessons for us does 6:8–8:3 offer? What sins of the Jews are we to avoid? They had a wrong attitude to the Law. They received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it. They had the privilege of revelation and therefore would have greater condemnation. They enjoyed the privilege, but did not allow the Law to transform their lives. Amos 3:2 : "You only have I chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I w...

Qin’s commissioning service (26/1/25)

 Photo credits to Joe and Kion ;)

Study 16. Acts 6:9-8:3

2. The Hellenistic Jews accused Stephen of speaking against the temple and the Law. Were these accusations true (see 6:11,13-14)? What does Luke say? The accusations were false - 'instigated' by those who could not withstand his reasoning. They had 'stirred up the people' and 'set up false witnesses' Stephen's countenance was not of one who had sinned against God (6:15). It was evident that there was a supernatural power and presence upon him. This should have made his innocence evident. 3. Stephen answered the charges and gave his testimony in 7:2-53. What pattern in Jewish history did Stephen trace through Joseph (see 7:9-16), Moses (see 7:17-39), and Jesus (see 7:51-52)?   The Jewish patriarchs sold Joseph into slavery. Pharoah honoured him Moses was brought up by Egyptians but betrayed and challenged by his own people.The Israelites refused to obey Moses in the wilderness and turned to other gods. The Jews had killed the prophets who announced Jesus'...

Study 15. Acts 6:1-8

14. It’s risky to decide that because something is done in Acts, we should do it today. However, does 6:1-7 have any lessons relevant to us?  The need to be fair to all members in church, and to be seen to be fair. The need for those who teach and preach not to be distracted from their ministry The advisability to assign diferent duties to different people in church The need to pick good people for responsible positions in church. For Thought and Discussion: What does laying on of hands signify today?  Impartation of the Spirit or of a spiritual gift , intercession in prayer. OT references include the commissioning of Joshua (Nu 27:23, Dt 34:9) and the blessing of Jacob (Gen 48:14) The NT speaks of laying hands for healing (as in Jesus' ministry, (Mk 16:18, 28:8) commisioning for ministry (6:6, 13:3, 1 Ti 4:14, 5:22; 2 Ti 1:6) and impartation of the Spirit (8:17-19, 9:12-17, 19:6)   For Thought and Discussion: a. What qualities did the apostles require in the chosen seve...

Study 14. Acts 5:1-11.

10. Examine 5:1-4 carefully. Exactly what was Ananias’s sin? (For instance, was it wrong in itself not to sell all his property and give it to the church?)  He misrepresented the extent of his gift. He lied to God  11. What do you think might have motivated him to do this?  He wanted to be thought of as  being as generous as others in the church, even though he wasn't.  He sought credit for more than was due. He was calculating and hypocritical. His actions were not toward God, but towards men. He was transactional. 12. What did God teach the early believers by striking Ananias and Sapphira dead (see 5:1-11)?  He is an awesome and holy God. The church is not a place where worldly standards of purity and outward show apply. God looks on the heart. He knows everything.    13. Is there a lesson here for us? If so, what is it?  In our service and contribution we are to remember that we are serving and giving to God, not so that we look good to p...