Study 15. Acts 6:1-8

14. It’s risky to decide that because something is done in Acts, we should do it today. However, does 6:1-7 have any lessons relevant to us? 

  • The need to be fair to all members in church, and to be seen to be fair.
  • The need for those who teach and preach not to be distracted from their ministry
  • The advisability to assign diferent duties to different people in church
  • The need to pick good people for responsible positions in church.

For Thought and Discussion: What does laying on of hands signify today?
 Impartation of the Spirit or of a spiritual gift, intercession in prayer.

OT references include the commissioning of Joshua (Nu 27:23, Dt 34:9) and the blessing of Jacob (Gen 48:14)

The NT speaks of laying hands for healing (as in Jesus' ministry, (Mk 16:18, 28:8) commisioning for ministry (6:6, 13:3, 1 Ti 4:14, 5:22; 2 Ti 1:6) and impartation of the Spirit (8:17-19, 9:12-17, 19:6)


For Thought and Discussion: a. What qualities did the apostles require in the chosen seven (see 6:3)? How is this significant for us? b. How were the seven men appointed (see 6:3,6)? Is this a model for us? How, or why not?
a."men... good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom"
b. "pick out from among you" speaks of choice by the congregation
"These they set before the apostles, and they prayed and laid their hands on them" speaks of approval by the highest levels of leadership
The need for personal involvement by leaders is proportional to the importance and prominence of the ministry to which candidates for service are called.
For Thought and Discussion: Why is it significant that many priests of the Jewish temple became believers in Christ (see 6:7)? Keep this in mind as you study 6:8–8:3. 
Even Jewish religious leaders were being converted. The Gospel was making inroads.
This suggests that the work of the apostles among the ‘Hebrews’ was expanding; we then hear of the work among the ‘Hellenists’ in verses 8ff. (Marshall)

"Obedient to the faith" means obedient to the call for faith contained in the gospel (cf. "...inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus." 2 Thess. 1:8) (cf. Rom 1:5)

For Thought and Discussion: In what ways were the problem and its solution in 6:1-7 unique, and in what ways are they a model for us? 15. From 2:42-47, 4:32–5:11, and 6:1-7, summarize the things that mattered to the early believers.
The context of racial/cultural divisions is present, though different in form
We need strong, decisive leadership.
We don't have apostles to approve of deacons, nor do we have laying on of hands.
This passage does not explicitly name the 7 as deacons (cf. Php 1:1. 1 Ti 3:18ff)

2:42-47 apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. were together and had all things in common. day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes,
4:32–5:11 they had everything in common. giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,  charity, purity
6:1-7 prayer and to the ministry of the word, fairness 

How do we know if someone is full of the Spirit?
Faithfulness in small things
Zeal and wholeheartedness 


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