Study 16. Acts 6:9-8:3
2. The Hellenistic Jews accused Stephen of speaking against the temple and the Law. Were these accusations true (see 6:11,13-14)? What does Luke say?
The accusations were false - 'instigated' by those who could not withstand his reasoning. They had 'stirred up the people' and 'set up false witnesses'
Stephen's countenance was not of one who had sinned against God (6:15). It was evident that there was a supernatural power and presence upon him. This should have made his innocence evident.
3. Stephen answered the charges and gave his testimony in 7:2-53. What pattern in Jewish history did Stephen trace through Joseph (see 7:9-16), Moses (see 7:17-39), and Jesus (see 7:51-52)?
The Jewish patriarchs sold Joseph into slavery. Pharoah honoured him
Moses was brought up by Egyptians but betrayed and challenged by his own people.The Israelites refused to obey Moses in the wilderness and turned to other gods.
The Jews had killed the prophets who announced Jesus' coming. and they had betrayed and murdered Jesus. They had received God's revalation in the Law and yet did not keep it.
What was similar about these men and their experiences with the Jews (see 7:9-10,25-29,35-39,51-52)?
The Jews, although God's people, had always resisted God's actions and spokesmen in their midst.
4. What did Stephen imply was wrong with the Jews’ attitude toward the temple (see 7:48-50)?
The temple could not limit God. It was made by human hands, but ultimately God had created everything (Is 66:1-2). It was not a place to confine or control God.
5. The Jews thought their temple in the Holy City was the holiest place on earth, the center of God’s dealings with His people. How did Stephen’s account of Israel’s history subtly explode that myth (see 7:2,9,30-34,36,38)?
7:2,God had appeared to Abraham in Mesopotamia
9, God was with Joseph in Egypt
30-34, God appeared to Moses in Mount Sinai
36,38 God had worked through Moses in Egypt and the wilderness.
6. Stephen also repeatedly mentioned God’s promises to Abraham (see 7:2-8,17,32,34-37). How was God’s promise relevant to Stephen’s view of the Jewish laws?
There would be no Jewish nation without God's call of Abraham. The Abrahamic covenant predated the Law of Moses. God did not deal with people only on the basis of the Law.
7. Now that you’ve looked at Stephen’s speech in some detail, answer the high priest’s question (see 7:1). What were Stephen’s beliefs about …
7. Now that you’ve looked at Stephen’s speech in some detail, answer the high priest’s question (see 7:1). What were Stephen’s beliefs about …
Moses and the Law (see 7:22,35-39,53)?
Moses was instructed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was mighty in his words and deeds.
He was ruler and redeemer by the hand of the angel who appeared to him in the bush.
He led them out, performing wonders and signs
Moses had promised a prophet like him from the Jews
The law was "living oracles"giiven to the Jews through Moses, whom they disobeyed
The law was delivered by angels and was not obeyed
the temple (see 7:41-50)?
There was no temple in the wolderness - there was only the 'tent of witness'
8. Stephen did not just answer the charges against him; he responded with charges of his own (see 7:51-53). What were his accusations and assertions that roused the Jews to fury?
“You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. 52 Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered, 53 you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it.”
Pagan internally though Jews externally (cf. Lev 26:41, Jer 9:26, Ez 44:4-7)
Always resisting God's Spirit
No better than their ancestors, who persecuted the prophets, who announced Jesus' coming
They had betrayed and murdered Jesus
In doing all this they had failed to keep the Law they professed to obey and preserve.
For Thought and Discussion: How were the Jews disobeying the Law (see 7:53)? See also Acts 7:48,51-52; Deuteronomy 5:4-11,17,20; 18:15-22.
Acts 7:48,51-52; They had the wrong idea of the Temple, resisted God and killed Jesus
Deuteronomy 5:4-11,17,20; Committing idolatry and taking His name in vain, murdering, bearing false witness.
Deuteronomy 18:15-22, They rejected God's appointed prophet.
For Thought and Discussion: From Luke 23:34,46 and Acts 7:59-60, what did Stephen apparently believe about Jesus and the Father?
Jesus prayed to the father to forgive His executioners and committed His spirit to the Father
Jesus prayed to the father to forgive His executioners and committed His spirit to the Father
Stephen prayed to Jesus to not hold his executioners' sin against them and committed his spirit to Jesus.
Therefore, Jesus had power to forgive sin and to receive one's spirit
9. Stephen’s words in 7:55-56 moved his audience to riot and stone him for blasphemy (see 7:57-58). Why?
He claimed to see Jesus at God's right hand
He claimed to see Jesus at God's right hand
10. Stoning is an agonizing death. What is significant about Stephen’s response to it (see 7:59-60)?
He forgave them his unjust accusation and death
11. How did the persecution of the Hellenistic Jewish Christians in Jerusalem serve the progress of the church? (1:8; 8:1,4)
11. How did the persecution of the Hellenistic Jewish Christians in Jerusalem serve the progress of the church? (1:8; 8:1,4)
The church was scattered and went about preaching the gospel.
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